At South Hills High School West Covina CA, we “show what we know” with a strong focus on instruction, school culture, and participation in extracurricular activities. We provide a relevant and high-quality education at South Hills High School Covina Valley Unified School District that inspires a diverse student body to be prepared for the challenges and opportunities that come along with college and work life in a global society. Because of this, our South Hills High School West Covina CA (SHHS) staff is committed to providing all our students with the necessary skills and knowledge to become lifelong learners, effective communicators, and responsible and productive citizens. We want what is best for our students and we strive to provide it.


South Hills High School West Covina CA


The South Hills High School (SHHS) experience

South Hills High School West Covina CA provides a challenging and engaging educational experience that values and supports the personal and intellectual growth of each individual student that we serve. We offer a rigorous curriculum that encourages critical thinking, creativity, and innovation in our students.

Most importantly, at South Hills High School Covina Valley Unified School District, we provide an environment where every student feels valued and can achieve academic excellence. Through a personalized approach to learning, our staff helps guide each student towards a successful future by exploring their interests, strengths, and goals.

We also want our students at South Hills High School West Covina CA to know that they are valued members of our community and that they have many options for pursuing their educational goals. Therefore, we work diligently to maintain a culture of respect and responsibility. All students are welcome, and we are dedicated to helping them find success.


South Hills High School (SHHS) campus and community

With expansive panoramic views from Mount Wilson to Mount Baldy, South Hills High School West Covina CA (SHHS) serves the municipalities of Covina, West Covina, San Dimas, and Walnut.  The South Hills High School has a perfectly retrofitted campus located in a suburban community on the eastern edge of Los Angeles County in Southern California.

Housing is mixed in this quiet residential area that surrounds South Hills High School Covina Valley Unified School District. There are mid-ranged priced homes located in the northern portion, high-ranged priced homes in the southern part, and several subsidized apartment complexes within the school’s boundaries as well. We are situated in an ideal location with numerous community colleges and public and private universities nearby, making education beyond high school graduation an easily accessible option for our students.


South Hills High School



The South Hills High School West Covina CA campus opened in 1964 on thirty-three acres of land in West Covina, California, joining two other comprehensive high schools that were already established in the area. Later on, a continuation high school would be built to finish the formation of the South Hills High School Covina Valley Unified School District. The total student population for C-VUSD is approximately 10,000, providing educational opportunities starting in preschool and continuing through high school.