Home of the Huskies!

Would you like to contact South Hills High School (SHHS)? You can follow the high school on social media or reach us by phone, fax, or mail. You can also find out additional information about the school on our website. Don’t hesitate to reach out!


South Hills High School Covina Valley Unified School District social media

If you are on social media, you can find us on Twitter @southhills_asb as well as on Instagram @southhillsasb and YouTube @South Hills ASB. Don’t forget to follow us to stay up to date with what is going on at the school and in the community!

South Hills High School West Covina CA phone and fax numbers

There are several numbers available to call, depending on the purpose of your call.

School phone: (626) 974-6220
School fax: (626) 974-6245
Report a student absence: (626) 974-6200
Contact a teacher: (626) 974-6299

South Hills High School West Covina CA address

If you need to send correspondence or locate us, the physical address of the high school is:

645 S. Barranca Street

West Covina, CA 91791


South Hills High School (SHHS) website

For more information about the school, activities, and registration you can visit https://www.c-vusd.org/Domain/24