To facilitate the process of learning within the South Hills High School Covina Valley Unified School District, we create a climate of respect, integrity, and equity in which students can grow and succeed. We value the uniqueness of each individual student and encourage our learners to explore their interests, take risks, and try new things. In addition, we believe that academic success within South Hills High School Covina Valley Unified School District is best achieved when students actively engage in meaningful learning experiences. As educators, we strive to bring joy and passion to our work as we seek to inspire learners.


Student population

Our recent student population at South Hills High School has remained steady at approximately 1,650 students. Approximately one-third of those students are on permits from other districts. South Hills currently serves a student body with approximately 66% free and reduced lunch.


The school day

The school day at SHHS consists of seven periods as well as time for lunch. Twice a month on Tuesdays, our South Hills High School West Covina CA staff has a late start with a modified bell scheduled so that they can have one and a half hours dedicated to professional development time.


South Hills High School


South Hills High School Staff

South Hills High School West Covina CA staff are professionals who have dedicated their time to establishing and maintaining high levels of both teaching and learning.

South Hills High School (SHHS) has a highly trained staff and a high teacher retention rate, with nearly 90% being tenured. More than half have been teaching at the school for ten or more years. All teachers at the school are No Child Left Behind (NCLB) compliant and carry an English Learner (EL) authorization. More than eighty percent of the staff also have a Master’s degree, while two of the administrators hold Doctoral degrees.

Many of the South Hills High School Covina Valley Unified School District teachers and staff members have children who attend the school, and more than ten percent attended the school personally when they were in high school themselves. The teachers are not only a part of the school. They are also a part of the wider community.